Release Notes
- Updated CC-CEDICT to use the latest version
- Added word length column to the wordlist view
- Fixed bug where words that spanned a line weren't highlighting correctly
- macOS: Added support for standard PageUp and PageDown keyboard shortcuts
- macOS: Added dark mode support
- macOS: Ctrl-left click will now display the popup menu in the textview
- macOS: Fixed bug where dictionary definitions weren't showing in dark mode
- win32: Added support for high DPI displays, both single and multi-monitor
- macOS: Added search filter for the word list view
- macOS: Retina images
- Added drag and drop support for opening files
- Added keyboard navigation with arrow keys and vi `hjkl` keys
- Added keyboard shortcut `d` to show word definition
- Added baidu dict online lookup
- Opening the run script dialog automatically sets script to the last run script
- Added `hover.unknown` to colour schemes
- macOS: Fixed crash bug when opening files that had characters that didn't exist in the current font
- macOS: Fixed bug where dialog boxes would still be visible after closing them
- Fixed crash bug when closing CTA while a file was still being processed
- Fixed bug where the feedback dialog box didn't scroll
- Fixed bug where wordlists weren't correctly saving the latest changes
- Native Linux support
- Lua script support
- Added multiple vocabulary profiles
- Showing TOCFL statistics for each document
- TOCFL wordslists available in import dialog
- BIG 5 conversion support
- Copy and paste from the statistics view
- Ability to configure Chinese font size in the word list view
- Product help and documentation
- Added mouse shortcut for marking words as known/unknown in the word list view (Ctrl+Doubleclick on Windows/Linux, Command+Doubleclick on macOS)
- Added mouse shortcut for showing the definition of a word (Shift+Doubleclick)
- Added online dictionary lookup
- Dark colour scheme support for word list and statistics views
- macOS: Fixed problem with displaying the statistics view on Sierra
- Fixed bug with remembering bookmark location when document was GB encoded
- Corrected keyboard shortcut text for increasing font size
- Added Line and Cloze Line export options
- Sentence and Cloze Sentence export fields now break on English punctuation also
- Fixed bug with accumulation of HSK statistics when words were marked known/unknown
- Fixed crash in macOS when clicking the main window when no document was loaded
- Fixed search when searching across long lines
- Added HSK information to the wordlist and statistics views
- Added support for custom dictionaries
- Added support for newlines, carriage returns and tabs in document exports
- Windows: Fixed bug where program icon was not always appearing in the start bar at startup
- Added menu option to enable/disable highlighting of looked up words
- Saving known words to disk after import
- macOS: Fixed crash when opening certain binary files
- macOS: Added retina graphics for splash screen
- Windows: Fixed font dialog problems caused by an invalid font cache
- Windows: Correctly reporting OS version for Win10
- Native macOS support
- Windows version can run as a portable application with --portable command line switch
- Configurable line spacing
- Definition view clamps to screen boundaries
- Configurable colours for looked up words
- Correctly saving font size configuration when changed with keyboard shortcuts
- Increased font size of find dialog combo box
- Exported sentences never start on a double quote
- Improved scrolling speed when scrolling backwards
- Using to query for new version, sending error reports and feedback
- Added user agent string when querying server
- Fixed bug with search highlighting
- Fixed auto scroll bug when searching a term at the very end of the document
- Configurable default character set for definition view headword font
- Compressing log files in memory rathen than on disk
- Windows installer no longer requires administrator permissions when installing to a non-protected location
- Removed unnecessary flicker from the Windows installer
- Fixed the uninstaller for Windows XP so that the program can be uninstalled from Add/Remove Programs
- Fixed bug when new users would see multiple welcome dialogs.
- Added warning before exiting if there are unsaved documents
- Added fullscreen mode
- Added light/dark colour schemes
- Search text highlighting can now be cancelled by left clicking in the document
- Definition view can show tone numbers (setting needs to be manually changed in the config file)
- Refactored all program logic to be totally independent from GUI in preparation for macOS version
- Remembering position and size of main window between sessions
- Fixed program hang if GB file conversion failed
- Added row number to wordlist view
- Cut, copy, paste and select all now word in the wordlist view filter
- User can add custom words
- Removed circled numbers in definitions until rendering glitch can be fixed
- Fixed bug where default 'known' list was blank on new installs
- Update to 0.99.5 to remove runtime dependencies for the 64bit process checker
- Fixed bug in installer where Chinese Text Analyser wouldn't upgrade correctly if the program was running
- Fixed bug where feedback dialog box was not wrapping on long lines
- Increased font size for import dialog
- Added search history
- Added 'recent files' menu item
- Remembering last viewed position when opening recent files
- Added pre- and post-character tags for document exports
- Removed unnecessary third-party dependencies
- Improved wordlist handling, now capable of storing revision history
- Improved 64bit compatibility
- Double click toggles known/unknown state
- Added popup definitions
- Cannot mark recently looked up words as known
- Exporting all variations of words with multiple pronunciations
- Showing vocabulary size in status bar
- Configurable definition fonts
- Configurable text fonts and colours
- Remembering user selected font
- Dictionary definitions use circled numbers
- Fixed bug where exported definitions sometimes had a leading full-stop
- Fixed bug where exported definitions sometimes contained a newline
- Fixed bug when exporting a document containing only a single line
- Indent word statistics for total and unique values
- Added total unknown word statistics
- Better number formatting
- Showing message upon successful import
- Default wordlist for exports is set to default
- Leaving room at the top of the screen after searches
- Not scrolling the page if the search term is on the screen
- Added filtering of the word list
- Copying to the clipboard will copy from the Word List if the Word List has focus
- Fixed bug that changed relative order of words when marking a word as known/unknown
- Fixed bug in the export dialog that caused the 'Word' field not to be remembered across exports if it was not in position 0
- Fixed newline and tab rendering under Wine
- Added append to clipboard feature
- Added basic compatibility with Wine
- Copy button on toolbar now works
- Fixed row height of word list table under Windows XP
- Fixed font selection under Windows XP
- Fixed file open dialog filters for Windows XP
- Made the word column wide enough to allow up to 4 chars
- Added tooltips in the word list table for words that are obscured by a narrow column
- Remembering the last search when find dialog box is opened
- Added Ctrl-G shortcut for find next
- Added find and find next buttons to the toolbar
- Added find next and copy items to the popup menu
- Added feedback dialog
- Added application icon
- Fixed highlighting of last item on the last line of a file
- Fixed copy-to-clipboard problem when selection was backwards
- Double clicking an item in the word list finds the word in the document. Double clicking again finds the next instance, and so on
- Added search dialog
- Added wildcard searches, e.g. 不但…而且
- Fixed issue were highlighted words could be marked as both known and unknown
- Selected text can be copied to the clipboard
- Export configuration options are saved across sessions
- File extensions are automatically added when saving files
- Added prompt to open the file after exporting to a file
- Ignoring English words in the word list view
- Fixed layout error for utf-8 files that had a BOM
- Showing a welcome dialog upon first run
- Added HSK word lists to the importer
- User can now easily view the total list of 'known' words
- User can now delete the total list of 'known' words
- Allowing navigation with arrow keys
- Registration dialog box filters files by *.licence
- Exported words can optionally be marked as known
- Added export to clipboard and email
- Double-clicking an item in the available/selected fields of the wordlist export dialog moves it to the opposite box
- Correctly sorting wordlists when 'All' rows are selected
- Improved support for invalid utf-8
- Format font dialog now works properly
- Added word list imports
- Added keyboard navigation for text documents
- Extended default trial period
- Added support for UTF-16 and GB*
- Initial release